Hey hey, today I got

Hey hey, today I got around to putting some new tires on the Olds’88 and getting it to pass inspection. It needed the tires badly, along with a few repairs to the break lines. It’s all good now and hopefully I’ll be taking a spin over to WorstBuy soon to see what they have in the way of car stereos. I just can’t live with only an AM/FM radio. It doesn’t even have a freakin’ tape! Anyway, besides that, I got some networking stuff to work and hooked up my brothers PC to mine, we’ve been kicking the crap out of each other in Half-Life all afternoon. After that I took care of some long overdue laundry and made a pizza. As you can see it’s been a fairly productive day. Tonight I’ll probably make that afor-mentioned trip to BestBuy and maybe play a little more May Payne. Oh, and before I forget, I finally put up the link to “Dot Comments”, the comment system I’m using on the page, as well as the ID button and a new Blogger button. Ok, gotta go get the clothes out of the dryer. Later.

Current Mood: Productive

Well, tonight Chris and I

Well, tonight Chris and I went into Boston to check out Urban Outfitters and to get some desperately needed clothing. I can honestly say that we made out like bandits. Not only was there tons of stuff on sale, but everything on sale was an additional 50% off. Which means, t-shirts that were originally $30, were on sale for $10, were now $5! I ended up with 2 pairs of pants, 4 t-shirts and a dress shirt that Chris said, without my asking, “ya, thats a Matt shirt.” All that and my total was only $45. I was very pleased with my bargain hunting. After that we took a spin over to Uno’s Pizza and grabbed some dinner. Very tasty indeed.

Today I also signed up for “Independents Day” which is a group that celebrates “independent” content on the web. IE: pages written by real people without adds and crap on them.

I’ve also been playing Max Payne a lot today. Dave, you were right, that game kicks ass. In fact, I’m going to go play it now… Later.

Current Mood: kinda tired but good

Hey kids. Well, yesterday was

Hey kids. Well, yesterday was fun. I spent Sunday over my uncles house. It was his birthday and we had a little shindig for him. After a few hours of BBQ and potato salad I was thinking about leaving when my cousin Meg suggested that we go catch a movie, I guess she was bored too. So, my brother, myself and my two cousins set out for the drive-in. Those of you not from Milford are probably wondering why we still actually have a drive-in. Well, its actually kind of a cool movie experience, sitting in your car, hanging the speaker on the window. It’s pretty cool. Anyway, as we got to the drive-in we were told to wait a minute since the power had just gone out and they didn’t know if they would be having a show that night. After a minute or two, another employee runs out from the main office screaming something about a fire. A few seconds later the fire department showed up and we more or less decided there wasn’t going to be a movie anytime in the near future. We left and drove over to the other movie theater and were in time to catch American Pie 2. Now, I really didn’t want to see AP2 but the rest of’em didn’t want to see anything else so I was kind of out voted. In compensation, I made my brother pay for me since I wasn’t seeing the movie I wanted. We bought our tickets and went in and sat down. The movie was alright. It was on par with just about everything else I’ve seen this summer, ie: “nothing special”. It was actually better than the original which I never really like anyway. The first movie was all about the slapstick humor and this one was more about situational humor and dick and fart jokes. Whatever. It was something to do and I was bored.

Today should be a different store. I’m going into Boston with Chris and my mom and we’re going to Urban Outfitters, a kick ass clothing/home-good/novelty store. It’s kind of hard to explain. They have some of everthing. From pants and t-shirts to giant velvet pillows and play-boy bunny cocktail glasses. Its almost as if they smashed Pier-One and Pacific Sunwear together. At any rate, they’re having a big giant sale and Chris and I are looking to pick up a sit load of t-shirts for next to nothing. So, that should be fun. We’ll be going as soon and both of them get home from work. Hopefully soon. I’ll tell ya more when I get home. Later.

Current Mood: Good

Woot. As always, gaming night

Woot. As always, gaming night with the boys is fun. I’m just about to head home to bed since its 1am. If got to get up and attend a b’day party for my uncle today. That should be fun, I’ve only seen them once or twice this summer. Plus it gives me an excuse to eat BBQ. Yum. Ok, sleepy time. Later.

Current Mood: Happy and sleepy.

Wow, where do I start?

Wow, where do I start? Last night was great! I don’t even have the right adjectives to start to explain it (though I’ll try). Here’s the run down. Yesterday afternoon I was suposed to pick up my car from the shop around noon. I went down to the garage and they told me that my break lines were crappy and that they’d have to replace them. No biggie, but the car wouldn’t be ready until Monday. This wasn’t good since I was supposed to pick up Chris and his friends soon after. So, I called Chris after lunch and told him the bad news, which didn’t really turn out that badly since his friends would be able drive. So, I got dropped off over his house a little while after and we were off to Boston.

Chris’ friends were Scott and Amy. Scott was Chris’ old roommate from college and Amy was Scott’s girlfriend. Both were very cool people. So, after meeting them we started off for Boston with Amy driving. Chris and I were sitting in the back giving directions as we went. We were soon on the highway and nearing Boston. The whole way down we were dodging thunderstorms that were sweeping through eastern Mass. We got to Copley Sq. sometime around 1:00 and decided it was about time for some food. So, over to Quincy Market we went.

Now, if you’ve never been to Quincy Market you’re truely missing out. Basically is a giant hall with at least 30 different resturants inside of it. You walk around and get different things to eat and then sit in the middle of the market and enjoy your meal. This trip I decided to try an Italian Sausage since I hadn’t had one in a very long time. Last time I had tried the curry from the Indian resturant but it was a little “heavy” to try and dance on. After a delicious meal we headed off into the city to explore since neither Scott nor Amy had ever been there before. Chris and I took them to Newbury Comics (no, I didn’t buy anything cause I know thats what you were thinking), down Newbury St, and around Harvard Square.

After a little site seeing we headed back to Copley and started noticing that the power was out. Not a good sign. The thunder storms we had tried to avoid had hit Boston and knocked out power all along Landsdown Street. So, after changing in the bathroom of B&N and stopping by Uno’s to get a drink we headed for the club at 8:30, hoping they would have power restored soon. Needless to say it wasn’t and we ended up waiting in line at the club, in the dark, until 10:45 when the power kicked back on and they let us in.

After getting inside, we quickly relized how many people were already on the floor and dancing. This was a small concern since there was barely standing room let alone dancing room. However, amazingly, just after Paul Van Dyk started, people started to give a little room, almost as if some of them were already tired of dancing and were leaving the floor. Fine by me, that just means more room for the rest of us.

Now, this is the part of the story thats very hard to explain. Paul Van Dyk, undeniable one of the best DJs in the world, put on a show that was like no other. I don’t have words to describe how awesome his set was, nor do I have the words to describe what it was like to dance in a sea of people who are all feeling the same vibe. It was amazing. I will say this: If any of you have seen the movie “Groove” and remember the moment towards the end, when everything has been resolved and the party is at it’s peak and the camera goes into slow-mo and the music crascendos… thats what the entire night was like for me. It was perhaps the best live performace I’ve ever seen. I’ll leave it at that since any explination I could give at this point would only degrade the picture I have in my head.

After that, it was the seemingly short car ride home after the traditional and celebratory stop at the Store 24 convience store around the corner for a bottle of water which I was in dire need of. Then directly to bed after a quick shower to rinse the sweat off. All in all it was a great night spent with some great friends. I’m so glad the power came back on. Now, for a day of relaxing, lounging and some computer games with the boys tonight when they get around to calling me. Later.

Current Mood: speechless and happily tired.