I was going to…
…but then Quarentinewhile…

Matt “Doc” Perry
June 11th, 2021
I was going to post about cards I got.
Then I was going to post about life, the universe and everything.
Then 2020 happened, and all that went right out the window.
Then I was going to post about the glories of working at home and how I love it.
Then I was going to post about cards again.
Then I was going to post about card projects, and how I’ve been so busy.
Then life got busy.
Then a family member passed away, and I just didn’t have the heart for it.
Then buying cards got weird. And expensive. And retail was literally insane.
Then card supplies got insane, and stuff just piled up on the shelf.
Then I took a look at my disaster of a card shelf and said, “yeah, I should probably do something about that”. Then I didn’t.
Now I don’t know what to post about anymore.
Cards seem so… I dunno, uninteresting at the moment. The pandemic really killed my interest in getting more. It wasn’t worth the effort. I had to fight to find any. Waiting in line at Target, at 8am, on Fridays, was just stupid. Top-loader shortages are stupid. The whole “scalpers ruining everything” just kind of, well, ruined everything. It’s the same with a PS5, and computer parts, and just about anything else people are looking for.
It kinda forces you to re-evaluate your priorities. Cards just weren’t a priority. Doesn’t mean I didn’t get any, I did. They just weren’t a driving force or motivation last year.
Family and work were, and always will be, more important. So I took time to focus on that. I really do enjoy working from home. I never really plan to go back to an office. I can do 99.7% of my job remotely, and since my employer is cool with that, it’s really worked out for the best. I can be home with my wife and child, who I love spending time with. I can have lunch with them every day. I can take 5 minutes to help them with something, or run a quick errand, and it’s really such a better work/life balance.
Other work has been interesting too. I’ve continued to do a bunch of custom card projects. I’m not 100% sure I can show them off or not, but it’s probably at least safe to talk about. After the President cards, the guys at SuperBreak and I had a good thing going, so we’ve continued to work on several projects together. I put the entire 2Hype 1st Edition set together. If you’re into Youtube people and/or console gaming, you’ve probably heard of them. Then I worked on some autos for a fairly well know Yankee’s prospect. Then a few sample cards for other YouTubers and gaming celebrities. Most recently I’ve been working on another historic based project/set, including a big base card checklist and single/double/triple relics and a few cut autos. It’s probably the biggest one to date.
I’ve also been considering turning those projects into an actual, proper thing. A design studio/LLC, set up properly, for all the freelancing.
That’s about where I’m at. I’ve piles and piles of stuff to scan and show… but if I’m being entirely honest, that’ll take a while, and the chances of it all getting posted are low. So… how about I just put these pictures here, and we can say “if it happens, it happens”, and we all won’t hold our collective breathes.
Not that you were. The odds of someone still reading anything here is probably quite low. I’m sure you’ve all left by now. And that’s ok.
Just wanted to say that I was still here, and doing stuff, and I hope everyone else is doing well and everyone stayed safe and health.

Hey! Good to see you. Thanks for the update. Still hope you get to continue designing cards. You’re very talented.
Have a great summer!
Glad to hear from you! I wish I had your talent in creating custom cards, that’s for sure.