Completely Unacceptable

So, as you know (from my post a couple weeks ago), I recently cut off my TV service. I’ve been watching the Olympics coverage with a set of OTA “bunny ears”, which brings in the local NBC station. Last night we were busy and I missed Team USA winning both the swimming relay, giving Phelps the record for most gold ever, and the Women’s Gymnastics final, in which Team USA won Gold for the first time since 1996.

I figured I’d watch them online this morning and catch up on coverage. Nope.

Followed by…

Followed by…

What the fuck? I’m sorry, that is complete and utter bullshit. NBC locked the coverage of the events themselves behind “Olympics Live EXTRA” and you have to have a cable subscription to see it. EXTRA? No you dumb fucks, “extra” is something above and beyond what you’re expected to provide. The coverage of the event, what you show on TV, even OTA, is what you’re EXPECTED to provide. It’s not “extra” to assume I can watch it again later. And, for the record, my old cable subscription didn’t have CNBC anyway, so even if I was still paying for it, you wouldn’t let me in anyway? How messed up is that?

You know what… no, no we’re not playing this game. You’re a corrupt, bullshit system. One I removed myself from on price as well as principle. Fuck you and the horse you road in on. Eat this…

That is all.


WHY?!?! What’s next, let Papi walk, trade Ellsbury and resign Daisuke?!?! WTF front office. WTF.

I mean, I know he’s hurt 95% of the time, but damn, his OBP is ridiculous. Hasn’t Ben read Moneyball. What does Youk do? He gets on base. All. The. Time.

Come on! At least get more for the guy than two AAA leftovers and some cash. That’s just ridiculous.

E3 2012

Every year I take a look at the massive video gaming conference that is E3 and offer my completely unbiased and level-headed preview for the gaming year to come. Ok, that’s a lie. I watch the conference and bitch about how they’re consistently ruining a medium that I love. This year, my thoughts on E3’s offerings are fairly easy to distill into a single thought. “What the hell!?!” Strap in. This is going to be a good one…


3rd Party Cluster

A word of advice to my baseball card friends. If you see something posted to the “Aggravation” category on this blog, it’s going to be a legendary post. Also, NSFW, lot’s of angry words. I know, it’s a personal flaw, I’m working on it. If you’re offended by f-bombs, I’d suggest finding funny pictures of cats instead of reading this post.


Mystery Card

Anyone want to help me out with this one? This morning I stumbled across this card on ebay

Anyone want to tell me what’s wrong with that picture? Jason Varitek, blue pin-stripe??? Ok trading card community, can anyone tell me A) If pin-stripes were ever worn for an all-star game, a special event, or anything similar in the past 10 years, or B) did Topps/Bowman really really screw this up?

For the record, it’s a 2007 Bowman Sterling. Also, it’s listed twice on COMC, also with blue pin-stripes!!! Check it out here (regular version) and here (refractor). WHAT IS GOING ON???

Fixed Email

A quick apology, mostly to Greg, but also to anyone else that’s tried to email me recently at this domain. Apparently, in a fit of spam-related rage, I turned on some ridiculously strict anti-spam measures. I had SpamAssassin set at a 2 (1-10, 1 being the strictest), I had BoxTrapper installed and a mandatory white-list in place. I don’t even remember doing any of that. So, if you were wondering why emails weren’t getting returned or why it was taking days/weeks for me to reply, there you go. Everything I was being sent was either waiting for confirmation that you’re a real person, or was sitting in a spam bucket, waiting to be deleted. Sorry about that. I put everything back at a non-paranoid level, and email should be returning to normal. Carry on.