by Matt | Dec 29, 2006 | Friends and Family, Travel
We just got in last night and after the crazy flights we had, I was glad to be home.
We had gotten stuck in Manchester because our plane had “mechanical problems”, which always instills confidence in your travel provider. Apparently it was nothing major, something about the water system not working and the plane was going from there, to Baltimore, to San Diego, and they didn’t want to make a 7 hour flight without water. I can’t really blame them.
That threw off our connection in Baltimore, which they had to reschedule for us, getting us in 3 hours late. I suppose it was better than not getting home at all, which, based on our last landing, was a distinct possibility with Southwest. I swear, those people couldn’t land a plane smoothly if lives depended on it…. which they kinda do. I can’t remember if we bounced three times or four, but my money is on four.
As for the remainder of our vacation, it was nice and relaxing. I say that as if we had a choice. Having not rented a car, we were resigned to be at everyone else’s mercy in terms of schedule. We did have some fun though. We wondered around the lakes region. I’ve got a shit-ton of pictures to go through and post that I think you guys will like.
Christmas was also nice. I think that goes without saying. But having an old fashioned family Christmas was just what I needed.
I got a Sansa, what loot did you guys pick up? lol.
by Matt | Dec 22, 2006 | Personal
Well, we’re up here in New Hampshire and its already been a couple crazy days. We got in on Wednesday afternoon after a rather bumpy flight to and from Chicago. We just took it easy that first night and got to bed early. Traveling really wipes you out.
Yesterday we went into Boston for my birthday. My folks got us tickets to the Bruins game against the Canucks. My uncle and aunt both work at the Garden, so they got us really nice seats. They met up with us, and along with my grandmother and other aunt and uncle, we had quite the group. We had just sat down in our section when my uncle disappeared for a few minutes. He came back and had gotten us somehow upgraded. We ended up in one of the luxury boxes at just off center ice. It was incredible. We had a blast yelling and screaming as the B’s beat the Canucks 2-0.
Today we took it easy and decided to do a little scenic sight seeing. We headed up into the mountains and I filled up the 1G card in the camera with some pretty descent nature shots. I’ll post those when I get home.
Tomorrow its supposed to be rainy and sleet/flurry, so we’re just planning on hanging around here. If any of my friends around here are looking for anything to do, feel free to spot by. My cell number is still the same. Or you can drop me an email at my phone address: this domain at tmail dot come. It’ll come right to my phone. Gotta run, gonna pop in a movie. Later.
by Matt | Dec 16, 2006 | Personal
I just had to take a second to mention how awesome my boss is and how, completely unexpectedly, he got me an Xbox 360 for my birthday/Christmas. I’m completely blown away. He certainly didn’t need to do that, but I’m extremely appreciative and thankful.
I know I’m going to pick up Gears of War and Dead Rising, but I’m not sure what else. I have mixed feelings about Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon. I don’t want to get something I won’t play, and those seem like “so-so” title for replayability. I could get the new Tony Hawk, but I’m just not 100% into those titles anymore. Dunno. Maybe I’ll wait till January and pick up Lost Planet, that looks kinda cool.
by Matt | Dec 6, 2006 | Personal
Someone stole my idea. Apparently T-Shirt Critic is a real website ( They collect the coolest tshirts from around the web for all to see. I had thought about doing something similar. I guess someone beat me to the punch. Oh well, there’s always, right? 🙂
by Matt | Dec 6, 2006 | Personal
I’m actually considering chalking WMP11 up in the win column for Microsoft. For the most part, I enjoy it.
I know that sounds odd coming from such a staunch Winamp supporter like myself, but it’s true. If you turn off all the “check the internet for everything, daily” options, the player is actually stable and secure.
On of my biggest problems lately is that while Winamp is a great music player it’s a horrible “library manager”. Meaning, that I can play individual MP3s and even whole albums, but if I wanted to switch between techno and ska, I’d have to wipe the playlist, start a new one, add more songs, etc. Now I know there is a “media library” in Winamp, so please don’t tell me that all that is possible. I already know that. It’s just that Winamp’s ML is so clunky that it’s practically unusable.
I’ve tried iTunes. It blows hard. It’s a great music store. Everything is available in a click or two. But the UI design is ass backwards, I don’t like the layout and I can never seem to find the options I want, when I want them. The only reason I ever even tried iTunes was for it’s podcast receiving abilities. I love listening to TWiT and DiggNation. iTunes did the best job at downloading them consistently and uncorrupt. I’ve tried Juice for my podcast downloading and it leaves a lot to be desired. So, downloading via juice and listening via Winamp is out.
So, recently, on a whim and while doing a Windows update, I decided to install WMP11. I have to say, I’m honestly impressed.
As a library it has more than adequate features. You can import a library strait from iTunes if you have them already. You can add folders to “watch” for new content, like my MP3 download folder for instance, so when new music is added, you don’t have to add it to the library. You can sort it via every imaginable (useful) category: artist, album, genre, etc. You can create and edit playlists when you’re in the middle of browsing the library. It even has an advanced ID3 tag editor to edit groups of MP3s if the tags are messed up. I had about 200 hundred or so that had their genre as “unknown”. About 3 clicks and I had it all straitened out. A nifty feature for me, which no one else will care about, is that if you have album art already in the folder it will use it, but if you don’t it’ll try to find it if you select “update album info” from the menu.
So, as a library, it’s fairly handy. As a player, the big huge window can get a bit obtrusive, which is why I really like the “minimize to controls” options. When minimized, instead of simply being another item on the taskbar, it turns itself into mini player controls. That’s how I have Winamp configured so that really is a plus. It also reduces my need for the FoxyTunes plugin in Firefox. Why have two status bar controls? The taskbar is always visible, so I just use that and reduce the footprint for firefox.
All in all I like it. I haven’t found any draconian evil yet. Then again, I don’t use it for downloading music through it’s built in URGE system. It doesn’t add any DRM to my MP3s like the new Zune music player is alleged to do. I seriously hope they don’t change that in Vista. If they leave everything as it is, I think they’ve overcome the horrible tragity that was WMP10, and 9, and 8 come to think of it. For the longest time I completely swore off WMP. It’s earlier incarnations were too over reaching in their control over the system. Remember back at the launch of XP when WMP tried to do everything? I can remember going out and finding the command to remove it from the system entirely. That and Windows Messenger needed to die.
I can honestly say that since WinAmp’s quality has started to decline in the past few years (and releases, since the AOL purchase), I’ve been looking for a new music player. I think I might have found it in WMP11. It takes a lot for me to say that too. I was very skeptical at first. But, sharing music across the network, easy playlists and a great library system seems to have won me over.
It’s not without it’s draw backs however. I would be remiss in my duties not to mention the bad things along with the good.
For example, the actual player part of the interface, the part with the big giant play button, is a little lacking. While I like the aesthetic value of a huge ass glowing button, a track time/counter would be nice. As would a few more controls. As a mini player, the repeat and shuffle features are gone and the volume slider is horribly placed horizontally instead of vertically, like everything else (including the default windows volume) is. Also, there’s the issues with “icon mode”. I used the icon mode instead of list mode because I like to see the album art. I know a CD by looking at it, so it makes seeing albums I want really easy. For some insane reason, even though “show in groups” is turned off in EVERY windows option I can find, it still wants to list things in groups sometimes. Randomly, when I open the player, it’s completely by luck that things are either in icons or in groups. I never know what to expect. The 3 built in options are “icon”, “title” and “details”. None of them help with the group display. If anyone as MS is reading this, a few more view options might be nice fellas. How about you make it like a normal explorer window (since that’s what it is anyway). I’d like the 5 normal view options (Thumbnails, Tiles, Icons, List, Details) as well as the “Arrange By” options (Name, Size, Type and Show in Groups and Auto Arrange). That would be nice. Also, although I don’t really use it a lot, the visualizations suck hard. There’s about 4. All of which are some version of a simple “bars” visualization. A system like MilkDrop for Winamp would be handy. Also, please, for the love of music, improve the EQ options. The basics simply don’t cut it.
Lastly, podcasting isn’t going anywhere. Please, please, please build in some podcast support. I know you don’t want to support iPods, and that’s fine, but at the very least, please support RSS with enclosures. At the moment I’m using Doppler to download podcasts into a directory that’s “watched” by WMP. That does the job for the time being, but it would be nice to have them automatically downloaded and updated.
So, there you have it. The good and the bad of WMP11. It’s a solid system and with a few tweaks it could be awesome.
Matt out
I’m not sure what I did but now I’ve gotten my categories to look the way they should. This is what it should look like 100% of the time. Now, if only it’ll stay this way…

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