A quick little shout to my buddy Nagle. I caught him on IM for about 15 minutes yesterday. Life in Savannah seems to be going well for him. He’s even gotten a nifty little website up, complete with journal. So, make sure you check out Penquins and Polar Bears and say hi.

On the subject of SCAD friends, it’s been far to long since I’ve talked to any of them. I really miss those guys. It was college and it wouldn’t have been the same without a roommate who sleeps 18 hours a day or without someone’s couch to hang out on. Last week when we were at Dave and Busters I kept wondering if Nagle wanted to play that virtual boxing again.

Anyway, enjoy the linkage, he’s been added to the BlogRoll as well. And Nagle, I hope that house works out for you.