Just a quick hello to let everyone know we’re back and doing just fine. We got back on Sunday and we’ve spent the last few days setting up the apartment, moving Lauren’s things over, unpacking and generally enjoying everything there is to enjoy about starting your life with someone you love. It’s the best feeling in the world. I just wanted to let everyone know just one more time how much it ment to me that you guys came down to Texas for the wedding. It means everything in the world to me. We had such a blast on our honeymoon that it’s hard to fit it all into a journal post. I’m going to write several of them and bring them to work with me over the next few days. It’ll be a whole novel about all the fun we had. I’m at work right now so I obviously don’t have time to write anything that involved, so like I said, I’ll do it from home and bring it in.

I also know that a number of you have asked about pictures and when you’ll be able to see them. The answer is soon. I’m actually editing the galleries tomorrow and I’ll be putting them up when I’m done. I’ll let everyone know when they’re ready.

Gotta run, work to do.

Matt out.