Entertainment Industry vs. Piracy

I started to have a conversation with Chip last night about the way the different entertainment industries are handling piracy and after I got home, as I was falling to sleep, my brain started elaborating on some of the ideas. Now, this is all speculative and there’s no “hard facts” involved (except one) so you’ll just have to live with my ballpark numbers. This is a long rant so I don’t blame you if you skip over it. You’ve been warned.

Bowling for Columbine

Well, on a whim Chip and I decided to see Michael Moore’s film Bowling for Columbine. I must say that this is perhaps one of the best films I’ve seen this year. This, following his book Stupid White Men, makes Moore one of my favorite political commentators, bar none. Between these two (the book and the movie) Moore tackles not only the problems with America but who’s to blame and what we can do to fix things. I’ll probably offer up a full sized review tomorrow but I figured I should share and strongly encourage anyone who has the slightest bit of disgust for corporate America, gun-nuts or social issues to go see this movie. I know it’ll probably be hard to track down, it’s probably not at your local cinema, but it’s well worth whatever drive you have to take to get there. The reason this movie one best of show at Cannes is obvious.

A few odds and ends…

Amazon continues to impress me. Not only are they offering free shipping on orders over $25 this season, they’ve also opened a clothing section with stuff from Old Navy, Kenneth Cole and Urban Outfitters. Nifty.

And for Chris, just thought you might be interested in Direct Connect ++. A nifty new and easy to use front end to the DC file sharing system.

Lastly, for those of you who simply NEED to modify, MOD chip, tinker with and/or outright break copy-protections on everything and everything… check out ModShack. The main attraction here are the forums and like most forum based sites there’s your usually mix of idiots and bigger idiots. There is some useful info in there if you don’t mind looking for it. I was particularly interested in the DVD ripping and Software exploits sections and Chip might want to check out the Tivo hacking area.

That’s about it. G’night kids.

A little this and a little that

Well, today was “December Birthdays” down at my Grandparents house. Typically the Perry’s gather together on months when there’s more than one birthday, get a cake and exchange small gifts. Apparently the memo didn’t get around to everyone this time. My brother was off at the Patriots game, my uncle was at home (watching the Patriots game) and my aunt was buying her christmas tree. So, it was my immediate family, uncle Chris, Aunt Denise and my grandparents. Hardly the whole clan. Usually when something like this happens, the aunts and uncles tease each other for months with “well, if you had been there” type jokes. Christmas should be interesting.

Yesterday I hung out with Chip for a while. We got some food followed by a few video games. Much fun. I hadn’t played console games in quite a while.

Also, some random stuff for you guys to take a look at:

This made me laugh until it hurt. Internet SPAM king can’t take what he dishes out. Check out some of the comments for useful links at SlashDot.

New version of WinRAR.

Y’z Dock 0.4.2 (incase I forgot to link it before). Also check out DeskMod for some Y’z Dock Icons and Backgrounds.

Chris showed me Direct Connect and all it’s file sharring glory.

That’s about it. Later.

Movie Review: Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Well, since I’ve had 4 cans of Coke in the past 2 hours I’m all sorts of awake. I guess that means I have a few minutes to share my thoughts on the new Harry Potter flick. Read on if you feel you have the time. If you want the quick and easy way out, here you go… wait for video. There. Now, if you’d like to know why you can certainly read on, if not, I just saved you $8. You’re welcome.

Better day

Or rather, a combonation of a few days, or something. Anyway, things aren’t going half bad. In the past few days I’ve seen Harry Potter, I’ve had some pizza, I got approved for a loan, I’ve started work both a new CD mix and a new website and I’ve been playing Battle Field 1942 and Neverwinter Night non-stop. Huzah. I’ll offer more of an in-depth review of Harry Potter tomorrow (or later tonight) and I’ll let you know what’s what with the loan. But for now I’m going to watch the Daily Show. Later.