It’s funny how you can have a truely shitty day like yesterday and then today, have a perfect day that actually helps restore your faith in humanity. Seriously. To start, it was a beautiful day. 65, sunny, no a shread of humidity and blue skies as far as you could see. The perfect day for working on a deck. Which I did for quite a while until it was time for some lunch. My father and I went to this little cafe in Hollis that we go to pretty every day. Its this little tiny place where literally everyone knows your name, including mine, which makes me feel kind of special in general. Anyway, just to further prove that the Perry’s do indeed know everyone, we had lunch with (get this) the Hollis police chief and the Principal of the Hollis/Brookline school system. Lunch was tasty as it always is and I was eating away when something happened that completely made my day. A young hispanic woman came in with her 3 children. They sat quietly at a booth next to us. When the waitress came over the children pulled nickles and pennies from their pockets, pooled them together and asked if it would be enough to get some toast. That nearly broke my heart. I wanted to pull out some money and buy lunch for them all. The waitress looks at the family, looks at the mother and says to the kids “no, it’s more than enough my dears, it’s enough for for a whole lot more, how would you guys like some peanut butter and jelly?” The mother almost cried. So, a few minutes later the whole family was eating happily away at large PB&Js, sipping on some milk. It really did restore my faith in humanity. I was begining to think that Milford and the surrounding towns had gone to pot a long time ago. It’s good to be proven wrong.

Anyway, after finishing lunch with the police chief, we headed back to Milford to pick up some lumber to finish the deck. The lumber mill is way up on top of Chirstmas Tree Hill (where surprisingly, Christmas trees come from) and while we we’re up there I couldn’t get over how nice a day it was. From the top of the hill I could see the whole town. There was blue sky for miles and a nice calm breeze blowing. It was perfect.

So, after finishing the deck, I’ve hurried home to get changed and get back to Hollis for Steve’s baseball game at 5:00. Dang, it’s already 4:30. Gotta run.