life. done fucking me in the ass? not by a long shot. guess what kids? matts getting pissed. you see, the other day when I told the insurance company to call back with a different number, I didn’t expect that number to be LOWER! It seems they sent another claims person out to the car to take another look at it. This time they said that they would take money off the total for the mileage, for it being a standard transmission and for not having a radio. This brings up an interesting question. Where the fuck is my radio? It seems that someone, after the claims adjuster visited the first time, had decided to take the radio out of the car for themselves. This is a no-no. If any of you have met my father, you can imagine the look on the towing companies face when he’ll be showing up at their shop in about 20 minutes. This won’t be pretty. Unfortunately, I miss the fireworks since I have to go to work. Basically theres going to be a lot of yelling and screaming and a few police reports. I’m not being double-fucked. First someone wrecks the car that I had completely paid off, then I don’t get full value for it, then I get my radio stolen. Whats next? Will the dead start rising from graves tonight and eat my friends? Jeebus Christ! This comes on the heels of a long talk I had with myself over the current state of humanity and how I needed to remain positive and high-spirited through all this. I’m trying to be accepting of everyone and stay positive but this makes it pretty fucking hard. It’s always been my creed that just because you “grow up” doesn’t mean you have to turn into an asshole. Seriously, the majority of kids can play together just fine, are more forgiving and not as easily antagonized as most adults. Sure there are some jerk kids but thats life, and as a kids you know and accept that. What happened? Just because people get older they turn into complete jerks? Sorry, not me. If this whole pain in the ass has taught me anything, it’s how to let some things go and not turn my anger outward and onto other people who don’t deserve it. Arg. It doesn’t mean that I’m not super pissed though. It just means I won’t take it out on anyone else. Ok, I’ve gotta head off to work. Later.
Current Mood: you don’t want to know
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