In the last few years I’ve let myself go. Seriously. I haven’t gone running in almost 2 years and I feel bloated, huge and unhealthy. I want to get a haircut, jog 5 miles and eat health. Unfortunately this doesn’t happen.

For example, today I told myself I was going to go running. Then I found a pie. So what am I doing at the moment? Eating pie. It’s an easy equation. What’s more enjoyable, exercise or pie? Pie of course. Pie is good and tasty and perhaps the exact opposite of running. That is why pie is good, because it has none of the characteristics of exercise and twice the deliciousness.

I will run. I promised myself. I will do it after I finish the pie. No, “bad Matt, run now.”

Other than that there’s not a whole lot going on. I have a photo shoot on Saturday which I think I’ve already mentioned. I’ve gotten a few ideas for photo shoots and I think this semester will go well. I’m excited. Ok, time to run.

Matt out.