Random Job #1: Granite Bank – Milford

What a mindnumbingly simple job. I basically sort papers all day. For the next three days I take the stack of papers on the left side of my desk and move them to one of two “out boxes” on the right side of my desk. I’m seperating “local” and “out of town” mail. They’re mostly bank statements. If something needs an envelope, I give it one. If it does not, it merely gets sorted. I do this for about 15 minutes at a time. Mainly because every 15 minutes the bank manager (a nice 75 year old lady named Linda) walks by and tells me that I’m working to hard and that I should take a brake. So I do. Then when she walks back and I didn’t take a brake (what would be the point) she mentions how they’re lucky to get a good temp this time. This continues until 5pm, then I go home.

That’s about it. I’m situated between two other older ladies who keep showing me pictures of their grand children and playing oldies music really loud on the radio because they can’t really hear it any more. I don’t really mind that at all since at least it isn’t “soft rock” or some other form of radio dribble.

My eye is doing better. It’s not nearly as red as it was. The only problem now is that it gets “tired” easily and I have to keep closing it to “refresh” it, so it looks like I’m a pirate half the time. Oh well.

Current mood: tired
Current tune(s):
Kai Tracid – Life is Too Short & Chemical Brothers – Come With Us (norman cook mix)